The phonemic and grammatical aspects of language in their interrelations

Roman Jakobson

pp. 5-18 + 601

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(1974) "Das Ineinandergreifen des phonologischen und grammatischen Aspekts in der Sprache", in: Jakobson Roman, Form und Sinn, München, Fink, pp.140-153.
(1966) "L'aspetto fonematico e l'aspetto grammaticale del linguaggio nelle loro relazioni reciproche", in: Jakobson Roman, Saggi di linguistica generale, Milano, Feltrinelli, pp.135-148.
(1963) "L'aspect phonologique et l'aspect grammatical du langage dans leurs interrelations", in: Jakobson Roman, Essais de linguistique générale, Paris, Editions de Minuit, pp.161-175.
(1971) "The phonemic and grammatical aspects of language in their interrelations", in: Jakobson Roman, Word and language, The Hague, Mouton, pp.103-114.