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Jurij Lotman
BibliographyBiographyWork & ideasLiteratureCORRESPALLBOOKSBOOKEDARTJRNLBYTITLECHRONOANTICHRONO- (1964) Lekcii po strukturalnoj poetike I, Tartu, Tartuskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet.
- (1965) Trudy po znakovym sistemam 2.
- (1965) "O probleme značenija vo vtoričnych modelirujuščich sistemach", Trudy po znakovym sistemam 2, pp.22-37.
- (1968) Poetika, rytmus, verš, Praha, Svět Sovětů.
- (1969) "Stichotvorenija rannego Pasternaka i nekotorye voprosy strukturnogo izučenija teksta", Trudy po znakovym sistemam 4, pp.206-238.
- (1970) Lectii de poetica structurala (edited by Pop Mihai), Bucureşti, Editura Univers.
- (1970) Struktura chodužestvennogo teksta, Moskva, Iskusstvo.
- (1973) La structure du texte artistique, Paris, Gallimard.
- (1973) "Teatr i teatral'nost' v stroe kul'tury načala XIX veka", in: Mayenowa Maria Renata, Semiotyka i struktura tekstu: studia poświęcone VII Międzynarodowemu Kongresowi Slawistów, Warszawa, 1973, Wrocław, Ossolineum, pp.337-356.
- with Ivanov Vjačeslav Vsevolodovič, Pjatigorskij Aleksandr, Toporov Vladimir, Uspenskij Boris (1973) "Tezisy k semiotičeskomu izučeniju kul'tur", in: Mayenowa Maria Renata, Semiotyka i struktura tekstu: studia poświęcone VII Międzynarodowemu Kongresowi Slawistów, Warszawa, 1973, Wrocław, Ossolineum, pp.9-32.
- with Uspenskij Boris (1975) Ricerche Semiotiche: Nuove tendenze delle scienze umane nell'URSS (edited by Strada Janovič Clara), Torino, Einaudi.
- with Uspenskij Boris (1975) Semiotica e cultura (edited by Ferrari-Bravo Donatella), Milano, Bravo.
- with Uspenskij Boris (1977) "Rol' dual'nych modelej v dinamike russkoj kul'tury (do konca XVIII veka)", Trudy po russkoj i slavjanskoj filologii 36, pp.3-36.
- (1980) "Über die Semiosphäre", Zeitschrift für Semiotik 2, pp.287-305.
- (1987) Sotvorenie Karamzina, Moskva, Kniga.
- (1990) Universe of the mind: a semiotic theory of culture, London, Tauris.
- (1991) "Semiotics and the historical sciences", in: Göranzon Bo; Florin Magnus (ed), Dialogue and technology: art and knowledge, Dordrecht, Springer, pp.165-180.
- (1995) "Ne-memuary", Lotmanovskij sbornik 1, pp.5-53.
- (2002) "Mask in an artistic world of Gogol, and the masks of Anatoli Kaplan", Sign systems studies 30 (2), pp.695-704.
- (2005) "On the semiosphere", Sign systems studies 33 (1), pp.205-226.
- (2011) "The place of art among other modelling systems", Sign systems studies 39 (2-4), pp.249-269.
- (2013) "Canonical art as informational paradox", Sign systems studies 41 (2-3), pp.371-377.
- (2013) "On the dynamics of culture", Sign systems studies 41 (2-3), pp.355-370.
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