The Analysis of Wonder is a stimulating and worthy introduction to the difficult and unique thought of Nicolai Hartmann. In this venue, the focus is upon criticisms of Cicovacki's book. The opportunity to elicit further clarification and argumentation from Cicovacki should be fruitful. Hartmann's philosophy is truly unique in nature and vast. As such, it is worth noting at the outset that, given the nature of Cicovacki's book and a lack of deeper familiarity with Hartmann's philosophy, the concerns raised herein may very well be issues in Hartmann that Cicovacki is replicating. The criticisms addressed herein present five sets of worries related to The Analysis of Wonder. The first three may be relatively minor concerns having to do with (1) what is meant by the rediscovery of the world; (2) Cicovacki's criticisms of post-modernism and existentialism; and (3) Cicovacki's use of Arendt as a way of framing Hartmann's value to contemporary philosophy and beyond. The latter two sets of worries are more substantive. They involve (4) Hartmann's account of the importance of a loving attitude and (5) Hartmann's theory of personality. Again, these are presented in the spirit of an invitation to dialogue more about Hartmann, a figure who Cicovacki represents well in The Analysis of Wonder." /> Criticisms of Cicovacki's the analysis of wonder - Chelstrom Eric | sdvig press

Criticisms of Cicovacki's the analysis of wonder

Eric Chelstrom

pp. 175-183

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